Profile PictureDaria Bogdanova @daribodrawing

Download practice cards and improve your sketching skills with simple exercises ✍🏻 All you need is a pen and paper (or a drawing app!)



Practice Books

Monthly Membership for Drawing Practice

Join Drawing Practice Club with monthly membership and get access to the materials from 6 previous months!

Welcome to my monthly membership!

Here, you'll find step-by-step drawing exercises, pages from my personal sketchbook, and a variety of sketching ideas.

I love creating exercises based on your requests and value your feedback to shape our content together. Each month, you'll receive new themed exercises in PDF format organized by month. You can access all the exercises in the Gumroad libary.

So far, you have access to exercises for May, June, July, August, September, October and November's exercises coming this month. I also create Instagram and YouTube tutorials to guide you through some exercises. Past exercises have covered drawing perspective, plants, different line work, sketching techniques, and drawing trees and rocks.

Your support means the world to me and keeps me motivated to create more content and practice alongside you!

Example of the material for practice - printable PDF files

All memberships include a 1 week free trial
175 members

You'll get drawing exercises every month to keep you practicing! Exercises for May - November already available in the Gumroad library as PDF files.

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